Wednesday, June 5, 2013

UNA Inservice

The purpose of this blog is to allow easy access to all of the materials covered in the UNA Going "app" Crazy inservice.

About me:
I am a crazy, overworked, type A teacher, wife, and mother. I love technology (most of the time) and want to always be on the cutting edge for my students. To me, I owe them that. I am normally a "hand-talker" and get very animated when I am excited. Mostly, I love what I do and believe you MUST if you plan on surviving. Usually my brain feels like this:

We could probably all add three or four different things to this mix as well. 

Check out this amazing TED Talk:
Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion

Sent from TED app for iOS

Set up an iTunes account!! 

Last... See how far apps have come & where they're going. We are living in amazing times and we must give our students opportunities to 
Create, Explore, Evaluate, Analyze, and Understand!

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